Draw Request

At Alliance Capital Capital, we take pride in our efficient and transparent draw process, designed to empower our clients with seamless access to the funds they need for their real estate projects. Our draw process is a cornerstone of our commitment to delivering exceptional service and supporting the success of our clients.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • The most efficient means of communication is via email to contact@alliancecapfinginc.com.
  • Advances are made in arrears, meaning only after material has been received, on-site and work has been completed.
  • Draws are advanced via wire to an account in the name of the borrowing entity only.

To request a draw:

  1. Complete the Alliance Capital Draw Request Form & Lien Waiver.
  2. Complete the Contractor Lien Waiver(s) (a Lien Waiver must be completed for each Contractor).

  3. Update the Alliance Capital Approved Budget from closing.
    • Please specify the work items which have been completed by line item.
  4. Submit the Alliance Capital Draw Request Form & Lien Waiver, Contractor Lien Waiver(s), updated Budget, invoices, paid receipts, and photos of completed work to contact@alliancecapfinginc.com.
  5. Upon receipt, Alliance Capital will immediately order an inspection.
  6. Once the inspector’s report is returned to Alliance Capital's office, the report will be reviewed and approved by management and funds will be wired to your account within 1-2 business days.

You will sign as your GC for all day-laborers and unskilled trades. We will need signatures from the following skilled trades: Electricians, Plumbers, Gasfitters, Masonry/Driveway, Insulation, and HVAC.

Typically, 5-7 business days of the request.

We will reimburse 25% of the materials upon delivery (proof of which will be verified by Alliance Capital Capital’s inspector) and the balance upon installation per your budgeted amount.

Alliance Capital Financial Group is committed to promoting environmental sustainability in construction projects, by supporting the use of eco-friendly building materials. We believe that the use of materials that are renewable and recyclable not only benefits the environment but also creates a benefit for the end user of the real estate. By promoting environmentally sustainable building materials, Stormfiedl Capital helps reduce the carbon footprint of construction projects it finances and contributes to a more sustainable future. Some examples include: 

  • Low-E windows
  • Recycled wood/plastics
  • Cool roofing
  • High efficiency furnaces and boilers (90%+ AFUE)

Request A Loan

 Please call us at (305) 998-1577 if you have any additional questions.
Learn more about our Loan Programs.